I Heart the Dirtbag Diaries

Listening to "No Car, No Problem" for the second time.
I discovered the wonder that is the Dirtbag Diaries via Twitter, and the small community of adventurers, climbers, writers, bloggers, backpackers, hikers, etc. that make up my "following" list. 

I scoffed at Twitter when one of my technologically minded friends, whom I indirectly met via Twitter, made a concerted effort to describe to me how valuable it was. Did I really need to involve myself in another one of those ridiculous tools for people to communicate without actually talking? And what could I possibly get out of it anyway? "Once you find your community," he said, "you'll understand."

And he was right. All of the incredible people I've never met, (Sara, Tali, my idol Steph Davis, Louise, Nina, the list goes on...) have provided a seemingly endless stream of interesting things to read and discuss. From advice on climbing shoes to outdoor-related news stories, from cookie recipes to "pink gear," I've gained so much thanks to my little Twitter community. But I digress. This isn't a Twitter post.

Included in this community is Fitz Cahall of The Dirtbag Diaries. I was made aware of the Dirtbag Diaries podcast when a members of my community were imploring all of us to comment on the value of the podcast to Patagonia, the Dirtbag Diaries sponsor. Podcasts were a bit of an unknown prior to the last few weeks. I'd just put my head down and plod along the fifteen blocks that make up my walk to work in the morning, ignoring the insufferable smell of exhaust. I'm not a city girl. I am especially not a Philly girl. Even when rush hour is over, the sun's disappeared, and I'm one of only a handful of people in Rittenhouse Square, I still can't bring myself to really, truly feel at home here.

But lately, I've been enjoying, even looking forward to the 15-20 minute descent into Philadelphia's Center City Streets. Fitz, his wife, and all the others featured on The Dirtbag Diaries podcasts have been rocking my walks to work, from work, to the gym, to the grocery store, all over the city. Sometimes, I'll even venture a block or two out of my way to finish an episode. I truly feel as though I'm listening to my peers, my mentors, people I understand, people I share much in common with, and I smile the entire way to my destination. The commentaries really make me think, and I create vivid pictures of the adventures portrayed in my mind, pictures that make me yearn for the chance to pick up and start over in a more wild place. The last time I had that urge, I moved to Alaska.

The most recent episode I finshed was, "No Car, No Problem." I own a car, a wonderful Toyota Corolla, but argue daily with myself about insurance costs, gas costs, environmental costs, and whether I'd be better off without her. I keep her to get me home to upstate New York, to get to all the trailheads I adventure from, to cart around big, heavy things, and because life without a car seems so odd. I don't know if I'll ever be able to part with her, especially seeing as she got me safely from Anchorage to Philadelphia, but it made me think. And I like thinking. I like it a lot.

So, thank you, Fitz, for everything you've done for me, and I can't wait to walk to work tomorrow morning and listen to "The Adventurer's Parabale" again.