Dames in the Dacks on Video!

The 3-day Accelerated Mountaineering course I took with the EMS Climbing School was the first real step I took towards any kind of specialized mountaineering training. It was also the step that pushed me over the edge, and resulted in my signing up for the Summit for Someone climb.

While we were up in the Adirondacks for our Dames in the Dacks adventure, Aleya was determined to capture enough of it on film to create a short documentary of sorts for us to have after the class was over. We also hoped it might serve as a way for Eastern Mountain Sports to show potential students what our class was like. The result is an 11-minute film full of beautiful scenery, goofy faces, and our three monumental days exploring the winter worlds outside Lake Placid, New York.

When Aleya took her video camera out on top of Algonquin peak in fierce winds and low visibility, I remember thinking, "This video's either going to be the coolest thing in the world, or the last few images of us alive!"

Just kidding :)
Aleya, our new friend Alex Federman, our fearless leader Matt Weich, and yours truly star in the film. Enjoy!

Dames in the Dacks 2010 from Aleya Van Doren on Vimeo.