26 Years of Evolution

evolve (v) - to come forth gradually into being; develop;undergo evolution

Today - I have existed on this planet for exactly 26 years.

Last year on this day
- I was preparing for a joint birthday party with one of my good friends, which turned out to be one of the best-attended parties I've ever had, a testament to how amazing my friends are here. I was also packing for my first trip overseas ever. Destination: Dublin, Ireland.

 My best work buddies and I at my birthday party, January 2009
Two years ago - I was starting to adjust to life in Philadelphia and still trying to find places to play outside. I had just discovered TerraMar Adventures, a group that would soon become one of the most influential parts of my life in the big city. I didn't attend an event until about a month later, and it was an evening climbing event at Go Vertical.
Spending quality time with some of my best buddies at home, winter 2008

Three years ago - I was living in Anchorage and learning how to ski. Dan and I were packing for an overnight trip to Seward that weekend where we'd watch the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen over the harbor.

Outside of the Chugach National Forest in Alaska, winter 2007

Four years ago - I was just beginning my last semester at Cornell University. Having just returned from our annual swim team training trip to Hawaii, I was tan and exhausted! But I was so looking forward to enjoying my last semester of college to the absolute fullest. I had just started rock climbing.

One of my favorite walks at Cornell, right behind Mann Library, spring 2006

Although January 1st officially marks the start of every new year, I can't remember the last time I actually used that day to reflect on what had happened in my life over the past 365 days. Sure I'd watch the news and read about everything that happened in the world over the past year, but it wasn't until my birthday this year that I really stopped to think about what's happened to me, how my life has progressed, and how I've evolved (if at all!). When I think about how I've gotten from where I was even five years ago to where I am today, I'm shocked and amazed.

So, this past year has been pretty incredible. I thank my lucky stars for all of the opportunities I've had this year to develop as all around outdoorswoman, a climber, a TerraMar guide, in my career, and as a human being. I've been fortunate enough to have done some amazing things this past year.

  • I resurrected this blog, prompting me to really think about how to share my thoughts meaningfully with others.
  • I learned how to lead climb, and went on my first and second real outdoor climbing trips. I had to face fears I've previously ignored, but definitely still have work to do.
  • I competed in my first, and then second bouldering competitions ever, and loved every minute of it! The support from other climbers and friends during those events still makes me smile.
  • I went on two strenuous backpacking trips and learned great lessons about preparedness and group dynamics.
  • I visited some of the most beautiful National Parks in the country, including Mount Rainier, Olympic, and Joshua Tree.
  • I went ice climbing and summitted the second-highest ADK 46er in January...and have the video to prove it!
  • I've accomplished a lot at work, and am enjoying my job and how it challenges me.
But more significant than the things I've done are the people I've done them with. None of the trips I've taken or the adventures I've had would be complete without having shared them with friends, new and old, and without the support of my family. I can't thank all of you enough for the gift of your presence in my life. From my fellow TerraMar guides to my three Philadelphia-based "adventure girls," and from my hometown buddies to the absolutely incredible group of people I've met on twitter, I think I might be the luckiest girl in the world.

And I do think I've done a good bit of evolving this year, mostly in my relationships with others and in learning new activities that test my mind, body and soul. I'm learning what makes me tick, what I'm passionate about, and how best to put that passion to good use. I am gradually coming into being, into my being. And whatever that final being may be, I thank all of you who've been a part of my evolution this year.