Crazy rime ice monster! (D. Herscovitch) |
I spent this past week in Revelstoke, BC skiing (and face-planting into powder) at
Revelstoke Mountain Resort (RMR), and all I have to say is, wow. Just, wow. The trip was exciting, terrifying, eye-opening, educational, and full of all sorts of fun. Between the incredible amount of snowfall, the lack of crowds, the jaw-dropping scenery and Mother Nature's humbling displays of power, it was impossible not to have an amazing time.
I'll have a post about the mountain, the skiing, and how hard it is to be an "intermediate" skier with a mountain like this at your disposal coming about it in a few days. But for now, I've compiled some of my favorite shots of our week in the beautiful Columbia Mountains, taken either by
Dan or myself.
Please enjoy!
Day 1: At the Last Spike Historic Site where the Canadian Pacific Railroad was completed. |
Day 1: Glacier National Park, BC: Land of Lots of Snow! |
Day 2: First day of skiing at RMR! Rest time mid-run with the skies finally clearing. |
Day 2: Sun filtering through snow and moss covered trees. |
Day 2: Contemplating a glade run. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 3: Ora taking a break, the town of Revelstoke down below. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 4: Me heading down toward the Columbia River. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 5: The first run I've ever hiked to! Heading to the North Bowl at RMR. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 5: The North Bowl. See if you can spot all the people! |
Day 5: Dan and Vitor about to drop in to a chute in the North Bowl. |
Day 5: tall, skinny trees and a perfect sky. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Roxanne, Vitor and Ora make the hike to the summit of Mt. Mackenzie. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Clouds coming in. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Roxanne taking a breather in knee deep powder! (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Ora making her way through the chute and into the Greely Bowl. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Ora showing us how it's done! (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 6: Me about to start the last run of the day after a lesson. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 7: A storage box after patrollers used a rope to shave a layer of snow off above the door. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 7: Ora and beautiful scenery! (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 7: Me trying not to freak out after hiking and dropping into the Greely Bowl. (D. Herscovitch) |
Day 7: Roxanne, Vitor, Me and Dan on the descent from the Greely Bowl. |