Adventure-Inspired Gets a Facelift

A little fisherman on the St. Lawrence River.
You wake up on a Monday morning, crawl out of bed, stretch, feel the soreness and stiffness from your weekend adventures and realize you can't start the day without coffee. But even before the coffee, you can't start the week without checking up on Adventure-Inspired Tales Right? You turn on the ol' computer/iPad/iWhatever and visit And, *gasp*, it looks completely different! Again!

I fret over details all the time, even if they don't matter, or can be worked out at a later date. But in the case of this blog, this place I use to share things I care about and adventures I've had with all of you, the fretting is worth it. This little piece of the internet matters, and I want it to be perfect.

My first re-launch on wasn't planned. The details hadn't been entirely vetted. It was rushed. I was nervous. But it was necessary. I didn't have a choice. So I found a design I liked, tweaked it, and launched.

Now that I've had some time to work more with the layout, I realized there were certain things about it I wanted to change to make it more functional. I'd received feedback about a couple of things readers were having trouble with, and I wanted to make it better.  I fretted over the thought of re-launching again less than two months later. But if I've learned nothing else these days, it's that there are some things I can control, and some things I can. If something I can control needs to be changed, I need to change it.

So, based on reader feedback and my own thoughts about how to improve Adventure-Inspired, here's what's new:
  • Link to comments at the top of each post under the title
  • Opportunities to share the post via twitter, facebook, email, and every other possible form of communication (no carrier pigeons)
  • Right-hand navigation
  • Modified text size and color
Hope you continue to enjoy what I've got to say, and thanks for being patient with me! I just might make a few more little changes, who knows? I'm never satisfied.