New Website, New Look, Same Katie!

I'm excited to introduce,
my new home for all tales adventure-related!

Why the Change?
When I initially chose "adventuregrrl" as my twitter handle and blog title, I chose it because I thought it encompassed who I am and what I do. I wanted to make it easy for my friends and family to understand the general theme of my blog posts, and to keep up with me! It just seemed perfect. But, as it turns out, there's another adventure-promoting wonder woman out there who has amazing taste in names, and she was here (on the interwebz) first. So, despite my hesitations, to avoid further confusion between the two of us, I'm picking up my old blog, formerly, and moving it to a new home - here!

Where'd the New Name Come From?
I can't begin to thank all of you who expressed your feelings about the change to me on twitter and in person! For anyone who's ever tried coming up with a twitter handle, a blog title, a brand, an identity, etc. that truly represents who you are, you know it can be an incredibly difficult process. The best thing I thought I could do was to reach out to my friends, the twitterverse, and my readers for help. I didn't know whether I'd actually pick the name everyone liked best, but thought it'd be fun to see what you all thought represented me.

I had a long talk with my friend Sarah, who helped me pick key words and themes that represented me. Our list included "wandering," "adventure," "wilderness," "outside," "learning," "testing limits," and "exploring." Friend Patrick of weighed in as well, suggesting "WanderingK8," "summitgirl," and many others. I took some of my favorite themes, and at Amanda's suggestion, created a SurveyMonkey poll.

After a few agonizing days of searching within and trying to determine what I wanted express to the world with my writing and on twitter, I chose k8tlevy as my new twitter handle (because it's my name!) and Adventure-Inspired for my blog.

Why "Adventure-Inspired?"
Everyone told me when the right name came to me, I'd just know it; that it would resonate with me. When @krisis mentioned the concept of an adventurous spirit, an adventurous heart, that started to feel right, so I ran with it!

I play outside, play inside, and test my limits because I'm constantly striving to learn, grow, and try new things. I look at what I've been able to do, the places I've seen, and the people I've met, and realize how lucky I am.

When I flew over the Chugach Range in Alaska for the first time, I cried. I cried because the landscape was so beautiful, humbling, and inspiring. When Aleya and I reached the summit of Algonquin this past January, I was scared, but so excited, and so psyched to continue exploring. When I visit my home climbing gym and work on projects, or watch other people climb, it makes me want to be better, and to learn.

Adventure doesn't have to take place outside, it can take place anywhere you're willing to open your mind to new experiences. Adventure can be found on week of backpacking in the wilderness, in a new project or a major life change, on the sharp end, even in trying new foods and meeting new people. It's this desire to have adventures, to learn and grow and be scared and try new things, that inspires me.

So, thanks for keeping up with me, and I look forward to sharing many future adventures!