TerraMar on Twitter

I'm happy to announce that my adventure group, TerraMar Adventures, now has a twitter account! Follow @TerraMarAdv for the most exciting upcoming events, notes from group guides/organizers, and anything else that has to do with playing outside around Philadelphia!

This is particularly exciting to me because I blog about events I do with TerraMar all the time, but to my greater readership, I'm not sure I've done the best job of explaining what TerraMar is and what my role is within the group.

Essentially, TerraMar Adventures is the largest outdoor adventure group in the Philadelphia area. We specialize in local and regional outdoor events that help our members meet other like-minded individuals, and help them understand what beautiful Pennsylvania has to offer. We work with some of the best guiding services and experts to bring safe and exciting experiences to our members. From hiking to adventure racing, from powered paragliding to skydiving, and from rock climbing to ice climbing, we've got it all!

I found the group when I first moved here via the meet-up webpage, http://www.meetup.com/PhiladelphiaAdventure, and the group has easily doubled in size since I joined. I wanted to meet people who liked hiking and climbing, and people who knew where the heck to go around Philadelphia to do it! I've ended up meeting most of my best friends in Philadelphia thanks to TerraMar. I was brought on as an assistant organizer/guide/Adventure Consultant for the group to help manage the climbing-related events, and haven't turned back!

If you live around Philadelphia, in New Jersey, in Delaware, or just want to check out what I spend most of my weekends doing, check out our website, http://www.terramaradventures.com, or follow the group on twitter at http://twitter.com/TerraMarAdv!